We are (extra)ordinary people

Likhitha D
3 min readMay 16, 2021

Wake up after snoozing 6 alarms only to rush to the shower and run to my school/ college while almost choking on my breakfast and try to get through the day with minimum effort and then complain about how tiresome the day was to finally fall asleep and repeat this cycle. Unknowingly, I have fallen into this mundane routine. But this was bound to happen, whether I had realized it now or not.

Because unlike my beloved fiction which keeps showing me all the extraordinary stories and lives of people, i.e the protagonists, I probably will never be a protagonist in any story. I neither have the wits to solve a mysterious crime, nor the intelligence to create a time machine, and honestly, the foolishness or the patience to be trapped in a dramatic romantic comedy! ( Even though I love romantic comedies, they can get really cheezy sometimes and everyone cries too much!). Because I am just an ordinary adult barely getting through life one day at a time, with as minimal social embarrassment as possible.

Trust me I am not complaining at all. I do NOT want to fight 100 people at once, nor the corrupt government by myself! Because it seems almost impossible when I can’t even fight for the TV remote with my brother. To think of it, you and I might be extras to someone else’s story! But, it is a mixed feeling to know that tomorrow is exactly going to be like today. I will be doing 89.39% of the exact things that I did yesterday and will probably continue to do till the day I die. While I feel happy that the good things are going to stay, I am also sad that the miserable things are going to stay too. In the end, it all sounds too…boring.

“We are not extraordinary people, but we have to put in that extra effort to make our day extraordinary” — Kavya (Little Things).

Well, I guess Kavya is right. It does take extra effort to make our days special. It does take extra effort to create some memories. And while living through the good and the bad memories, I could see that I actually do have a story. My story. The story I have been living for 22 years now, which I will not say is better than a movie or a show, but it is mine to cherish and explore. My story in which I write the plot one day at a time and can change at least the remaining 10.61% of my day.

“Two ordinary extras meet up and are making special time out of this. So to me, you aren’t just an extra but extraordinary you” — Ha-ru ( Extraordinary You)

Now, I’ll stop quoting lines from shows. Thank you for reading till the end of this. I hope I made your ordinary day 0.1% extra special! Gamsahabnida :))

