What if..?

Likhitha D
3 min readMar 20, 2022

Starting to write again after a long time is not like visiting your childhood home and reminiscing memories, but is being that person who attends class twice a semester and gets decent grades. Ugh, the dirty looks! (Not that I know of, but okay). Thankfully, I am not working in any creative field or my laziness would have definitely driven me penniless.

Today I want to ask if you have watched a movie or a show and ended up going down the rabbit hole of what if? What if I was in that situation? What if something like this actually happened? Like, the Birdbox or even Lucy! Not The Notebook though, that’s too hypothetical. Oh, no one? Just me? Good, don’t do it! Because I am already living in the fear of an impending zombie attack, all thanks to my obsession with K-dramas (Happiness, All of us are dead, #Alive .. ). I have started to stock up at least a year’s worth of ration because I am not built to fight with zombies to go outside and get food!

Two days ago, I went on a movie binging spree and stumbled upon this movie, Don’t Look Up. Not to spoil but it is basically the story of the world (i.e US), reacting to two astronomers telling that the world will end in 6 months and 14 days due to an impending collision by a comet heading towards Earth. And of course, it got me thinking, what if? What if the world I know will end in 6 months and 14 days and then just BOOM, all gone. Apart from all the wailing and crying that I’ll be doing, here are some things I can think of that I’ll end up doing:

  1. First, I would take out all my savings and visit some places I have always wanted to visit. I might not look like it, but I love experimenting and trying out new food. So obviously, New York is on my list. And maybe even visit Los Angeles in one of 10 good weather days it has. I’d definitely want to go to Seoul as well, considering there isn’t a zombie epidemic there by then! And last but not the least, Japan because I gonsta experience the butt washing toilets.
  2. Secondly, I would want to call everyone I have lost touch with or am in still touch with and would want to talk our hearts out with no filters. In case I don’t want our last conversation to be something that’ll make me think “Oh, why did I have to say that?” and roll around the bed at 3 A.M, I’ll just blabber my heart out in another language and end the conversation.
  3. Thirdly, So far in my life, I don’t have people I hate or resent a lot towards. But do I know people for whom I have bitter feelings, definitely! I am sorry in advance to the people on the other side but I will be rapping some stuff out, and you are not going to like it. (rapping because I tend to talk really fast when I am angry).
  4. And most importantly, spend the time left with my family. No crying, no drama, nothing. Just simple things like, having dinner together, or maybe even watching that child marriage Kannada serials with them. Who knows, I might even get a chance to introduce K-pop to them.
  5. Last but not the least, I might just show the world the one video of me doing a TikTok trend.

While I do hope that the world doesn’t end with alien invasions, comets colliding with our Mother Earth, or even zombies, thoughts like these do give me a perspective on what actually matters in life. The things happening right now will not even matter a couple of years if not months. So, if not for everyone, I hope that at least I can look back at this on the days when I feel like my world is ending because I forgot to attach a file in the mail or something.

Hope you guys had fun reading this till here and until next time,
안녕히개세요 여러분!

